SASI will be sponsoring it's annual Youth Shoot, for ALL boys and girls, ages 12~17, on Saturday, April 11th, at Old Bethpage R&P Club, located at 70 Kean St., West Babylon. The event also qualifies for the BSA Rifle Merit Badge, for those attendees who are Boy Scouts. Anyone who has previously attended or qualified should not attend, as space is limited and should be allocated only to those who have not previously attended or qualified.
There are no costs to the attendees, although preregistration is required. The class is limited, to 39 youngsters and fills, to capacity, every year. So, get your registration forms completed and submitted, as soon as possible. The required registration form is attached, as a PDF. That Parental Consent and Registration form MUST BE notarized.
Attendees are expected to arrive, not later than 8:45am, after having had a substantial breakfast, at home.
The only adults allowed to attend are those who are BSA Scout Masters or Ass't Scout Masters, who are attending with BSA troop members. Only one adult, per troop, may attend and that adult must complete and return the Hold Harmless Agreement, also attached, as a PDF.
All equipment will be provided, at no cost, as will lunch and soft drinks.
The morning will be spent in the classroom, taking a basic firearms safety course, after which a lunch, consisting of pizza and soft drinks, will be served. After lunch, the youngsters will return to the classroom, after which they will be brought downstairs, to the range, in groups of 13, for one-on-one, hands-on shooting instruction, with experienced instructors.
The participants will be able to take home their targets, their ear plugs and a course completion certificate.